Sunday, May 29, 2016

Eight Days A Week....with Vivienne

The two walkers at Brambly Pines

Vivi racing down the hallways.....

Pretty in Pink!

In the " play pen"

Play pens are kinda fun!!

Happy Girl!

Hi Grand Daddy!!!!

Rocking away....

Finding George!!!!
A couple of weeks after Chuck's surgery, we had a house guest.  One that couldn't walk much better than Chuck.  Michelle had a business trip to Texas and brought us Vivienne the weekend before she had to leave.   That meant we would have her for eight days/24 hours a day.  Vivi is really a good baby but it was challenging for me to take care of her on top of everything else that had been put on top of me.  There were a couple of times I had tears in my eyes after I put Vivi in the play pen for Chuck to keep an eye on her and I walked down to put the chickens to bed or the garbage to the street.  That was the hardest part.  Trying to figure out how to do everything around here without lugging Vivi with me.  Some how, I managed and everything got done that needed to be done.  I was never so glad when Michelle showed up around 11:00 pm that Sunday night.  ....then the next day when Michelle and Vivi were on their way back to Nashville, it didn't take me long to be missing this little funny bunny that I had taught a few things to the week before.  There was no more cute, smiling face looking at me over the top of the crib every morning.....or doing her " sign language" for  more" constantly.  I missed that little giggle and chatting at me with her " made up words".  Yes, it was a tough week but one that has lots of memories rolled up into it.

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