Sunday, April 3, 2016

Spring Keeps Springing.....

The tulips don't look real.....

Native hydrangea

Five year old bush

Purple Iris....from Debbie Ala/Tx

 Marigold Bird house has nest/three eggs so far

Azaleas are all starting to bloom

Wisteria still pretty.....but starting to get it's leaves.

Studio azaleas

Hostas coming up....
 Every day, something new is blooming around Brambly Pines.  I think this has been the best Spring ever, so far.  The native hydrangea that we bought six or seven years ago at an Alabama native plant sale, is blooming for the first time.  I guess it just took that long ( five years since I planted it by the screen porch) for it to get it's bloom on.  It is covered in buds and a lot of them are opening.  It's going to be solid white once they all open.  The first thing you see when you pull up to the back door, is the bell flower bed full of yellow/red tulips.  They are so fun for me to grow.  I grew up knowing that they only grew up north.  Well, guess what!!!  I live up north and enjoying every single kind of flower/plant that I couldn't have in Florida.  The azaleas are on their way to being solid with blooms.  The whole end of the yard by the deck, is lined with different colors of pink azaleas.  The white ones all along the front porch will be blooming in a couple of days.  I picked my first lettuce from the garden this morning and had a nice salad for lunch.  Spring!!!!!  yes, it is my favorite season.  Everything comes alive again!!!!

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