Sunday, March 6, 2016

Kitchen Built-ins

TA DA!!!  two built in book cases ....for more than just books. 

All my blue/white dishes

My two blue/white blackberry plates

1930's high chair 

All the work is done and everything has it's place on the two new book cases in the kitchen.  It is so nice to have so much space for everything. looks pretty!  I had all my blue/white dishes stacked in cabinets and never even used half of them because I forgot what I had.  Now, I see it all and want to use every piece of it.  I had to make room for the 1930's high chair since I didn't want it blocking the one book case.  Out came the extra little table at the end of the island and the space is perfect for the high chair.  ...all ready for Miss Vivi to come use it.  I am in love with my " new kitchen".

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