Friday, December 18, 2015

A Little Bit of Christmas

Our tiny little Alabama Christmas tree

My 1980's tree I made but updated

Family Christmas presents

My $ Store Christmas dishes but now cost $15 a plate

Table set for our Christmas dinner

Dining room decorated

I made this Christmas tree quilt in the 1990's.  

Christmas just keeps growing here at Brambly Pines.  I was going to keep it simple but it seems like I just keep finding more and more Christmas to decorate with.  Wait until you see what I came up with this week.  ( it will be in another post)  I think my favorite room to decorate is the dining room.  I love the fact that I bought my Christmas dishes at the $ Store about 8 years ago.  I bought 8 of that would be only $8.  Well, since then, I have seen them in magazines for $15 a plate.  This is the true price for them because a friend of mine has them and that is what she paid.  I know!!!  best bargain that I ever found, huh?  Not only did I get them for cheap, but they are really pretty with cardinals on them so that is the theme of my decorating in the dining room.  We have so many cardinals here in the woods of Brambly Pines that it just seems appropriate to decorate that way.
   About 25 or so years ago, I made one of those ceramic Christmas trees like everyone else in the world had.  I also gave one to my dear Christina that year for Christmas.  Yes, we both still have them and get them out every year.  A couple years ago, I did replace all the multi colored lights to all white lights.  I left the little red cardinal lights on there.  It's now an updated vintage tree that I cherish.  Christina cherishes hers also.  She puts it out at the first of Advent every year and says a little part of me is there with her.
    We still have a couple more presents to buy and wrap  and a couple carts full of food to buy before the kids get here but all in all, I'm pretty much ready for Christmas.  Merry Christmas to everyone!!!!

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