Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Land of Cotton

"Yes, Virginia! there are RED barns".  

The land of cotton!

pure white!
"Oh, I wish I lived in the land of cotton..." ....oh wait!  I do!!!  How lucky am I?  Not only does Fall bring the beautiful colors of the leaves but it's also cotton harvest time.  It's impressive when  as far as you can see, fields of corn or soy beans but my favorite of course is cotton.  There is nothing else like it.  It's even more fun when you get to watch them harvest it.  No more back breaking,dragging a huge cotton bag slung over your shoulder, hand picking cotton.  The machines do it all and compact it into huge bails.  Then off to the cotton gin it goes.  Yes, I am lucky to live in the "land of cotton" and get to see such sights every Fall.  

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