Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Going Home

Vivi wanted to hold our tickets.....
she's such a big girl now.  

The best way to fly is with a baby.  I mean it...ha.  Well, that is if the baby is a good baby like Vivienne is. Yes, I'm a bragging Grandmother.   First of all if you fly Southwest Airlines, you can check any " child luggage" for free.  We took the "pack n play" the car seat and the stroller.  ...all for free.  We could take the stroller right up to the door of the plane.  They send it down a slide to be put with the luggage and as we walked off the plane, the stroller was sitting there at the door for us.  They let all passengers with babies  board the plane after all the " A" number passengers, before the " B's".  Babies are special with Southwest!....the only way to fly.

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