Thursday, August 20, 2015

The Most Hummers Ever

Only four out of the ten that come to the feeder

George being entertained

This Spring when the hummingbirds showed up, there were only four.  Three females and one male.  Over the summer, the number has grown to ten as well as we can count them.  It's really hard to count them as they land on the feeder and then there are a number of them flying to and from the feeder.   This is the most we have ever had come to our feeder since we moved here.  Some of them are tiny so we are guessing maybe the three Spring females might have had babies.  Plus we could have picked up a few more once they spread the word that there was always plenty of food available.  They are so entertaining.  It's fun to sit in the chair by the window and just watch them come and go.  Even George kitty thinks so.  When he's outside, he never tries to catch them.  I guess he just knows they are too fast for him.

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