Saturday, April 4, 2015

Spring is Really Here!

Both sides of the front walk way is
lined with tulips.

Flower bed by the back door.

Tulips and  snow drops

It finally got here!...Spring, my favorite season ( for now).  You know it's truly here when the first hummingbird shows up at one of the feeders.  Last year the first one showed up April 3rd.  It was a day early this year.  The tulips are all blooming along with the pretty snow drops.  The hostas are all poking their heads, arms and legs out of the ground too.  It's time to change out your closet and pack your winter clothes away until Fall.  It's so fun to see what you packed away last Fall.  You always need to leave out a sweater or two because our Spring nights can be cool.  Even cold.  Soon, we will be wishing for the cooler weather because we'll be smack dab in the middle of summer.  It's also time to plant the garden but since it's been raining so much, I'm afraid it's going to be late this year. of the best times of the year up here!!

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