Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Getting Sooooo BIG

Mama and Vivi in her pretty outfit
from her Oma/Opa

Great Aunt Elaine and Uncle Fred came to see Vivienne

Sleepy face

Sound asleep on the crib mattress 

Stretched out but still sleeping
Yes, it's another post about Miss Vivienne.  I've been lucky to have seen her for three weekends in a row now.  She is growing so fast and I can see the difference from week to week. She has almost doubled her birth weight in the 2 1/2 months.    Great Aunt Elaine and Uncle Fred came to spend last weekend with us so Michelle came home to share Vivi with them.  Since we don't have the crib ( Michelle's when she was a baby) painted yet, Vivi has been sleeping on the mattress of it.  Once she rolls over, which will be soon, we'll have to get the crib done for sure.  When she comes to Grandma and Grand Daddy's she gets to sleep on hand embroidered crib sheets and a hand embroidered 40 year old quilt that I made for her Uncle Ryan when he was a baby.  It's so fun being an Oona/Grandma.

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