Monday, March 2, 2015

Lots of Snow in Dixie

looking down the drive way

Our first Christmas tree

The deck chair

The deck window

Outside the sun room

Find the fire pit!

10 inches

perfect cover of the fire pit

10 1/2 inches 

Living room window feeder

green house slide

chicken mansion

Garden table

Garden swing
It FINALLY snowed and boy did it SNOW!  All winter long, the weather people would predict that we were going to get 3 to 5 inches of snow and there would be nothing.  This time when they said we would get 3 to 5 inches of snow and we got almost 11 inches.  It started around 1:30 pm and snowed all night.  It came down around an inch an hour.  It was ever so pretty and stacking up fast.  After it got dark, we kept turning the outside lights on so we could watch it.  The next morning, we couldn't believe how much was out there.  It was like we "really lived up north".  I went to the basement and collected my " snow clothes" pants, quilted vest, rain boots and jacket with a hood.  It didn't take me long to get ready to walk all around Brambly Pines in snow half way up to my knees.  Brambly Pines is never prettier than  when it snows.
   The best part is, we get to enjoy how pretty it is and then it's gone in just a couple of days.  We don't have to deal with having to shovel, plow dirty slushy snow and have the dread of more coming.  Here in Dixie, we cross our fingers that we get snow at least once a winter.  Next....beautiful Spring flowers!  We live in the perfect place!!!

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