Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Mountains

Beautiful Mountains!!!!!

Where are we????

We Made It!!!!!!

The cute 1800's house

One side of the porch

The front porch
I know!  I have been gone FOREVER!  I was invited to spend two weeks in the mountains of Cashiers, N.C. with Lady Melanie.  She was going to house sit for her cousins while they went to France.  Melanie came up on Monday evening to spend the night at Brambly Pines so we could get an early start the next morning.  That we did.  Melanie and I had never been on a road trip by ourselves before.  It was going to be an adventure for sure.  We had printed off directions and we were doing ok until we came to some construction on the road and there were no signs that the directions were telling us.  After a few U-turns, we figured it out.  When we stopped for lunch, we didn't even know what state we were in...ha.  We went from Alabama to Tennessee to Georgia, back to Tennessee.  ( yes we were suppose to do that)  As we were ordering our lunch we asked the lady behind the counter "what state we were in".  The look on her face made us laugh.  We were still in Tennessee.  We ended up in the middle of the mountains on very windy roads and the car very close to the edge of the highest cliffs ever.  Melanie put on the sound track CD to " Out of Africa" and it was the perfect music to listen to while winding around the mountains.It was like we were in a movie.   We did finally make it to Dotty and Gary's cute little house after driving 7 more miles up the mountain. "High Five".....we did it!!!! We were sure glad to get there!

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