Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Studio Day Two

Putting on the hardy board siding

Upstairs front and back walls going in

All the way from Florida?

Shingles that match the house being delivered

Troy doing the scary job of putting the shingles on

By the end of the second day

Troy's work is almost done

Pretty far from the house
The " gang" was here before 7:00 am this morning and started  putting the hardy board siding on.  It almost looks like the right color to match the house but it needs to be caulked and painted.  The shingles were delivered mid morning and after lunch Troy started nailing them on.  What a scary job that was....being so high up.  I have to say, these guys sure work hard for their money. Chuck says it's been like an" Amish Barn Raising but with nicotine, caffeine and a lot of power tools."   One side of the roof still needs to be shingled, the steps to the porch made  and the steps going upstairs inside, all still need to be done.  Troy said they wouldn't be back tomorrow because he has another job that he has to take care of but will return first thing Thursday morning.  It will be time for Chuck and I to take over our parts to finishing this before I know it.  I already have plans in my head for planting pretty flower beds and window boxes, come next Spring.  It's like having a " play house" like I had when I was little.  My Dad built it and made it to match our house.  Many, many hours were spent in that little play house and I'm sure many, many hours will be spent in my grown up play house too.

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