Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy Birthday USA!

I can't believe that it's July 4th already!  It was just Christmas a couple of months ago.  Where is this year going?  I'll have to start thinking about Christmas again before I know it.....sigh!  We certainly have enjoyed the summer so far.  The garden has produced enough food for an army.  We have been blessed with a cold front for a few days and have been able to enjoy the nice cool weather with the windows open in the house. Chuck had a nice trip to Florida to visit with his Dad, family and friends.  I had a wonderful long weekend in Birmingham with some of our Alabama family.  Now, we're going over to the BNOE to celebrate July 4th with a cookout and we're taking our ice cream maker....yep the same ole 43 year old, hand crank one.  Everyone takes a turn or you don't get any ice cream.  Since we picked peaches this last week, it's going to be peach ice cream!!!!  Nothing says July 4th to our family more than making homemade ice cream!!!! Just wish our whole family was here to make it with us.  Maybe next year.

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