Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Perks

I was looking out the sun room window this morning and George went flying by and onto the front porch, with something BIG in his mouth.  My heart sunk because I just knew it was another bird that I get so mad at him for catching.  I hollered at Chuck that George was on the front porch with something in his mouth.  When Chuck went out the door, I heard him say " oh no, George!!!"  It was TWO baby rabbits.  George dropped one and Chuck caught it but George took the other one under the porch.  We could hear it crying.  I couldn't stand it.  I had to come in the house, holding the one baby.  Chuck crawled under the steps....I know!!!  how he ever did that, beats me but he did.  He was able to get the other baby bunny but it was bleeding.  I held it with it's sibling until Chuck got the big basket from the back porch and put one of the kitty blankets in it to keep them warm.  It only took a few minutes until the one really hurt bunny  died.  The other one seems to be doing fine....just scared maybe.  I got on line to see what we should do and it said that if they are 6 inches long they can survive on their own.  We should put it back where it came from and cover it with dried leaves.  The mother is probably close by.  The problem is.....we don't know where George found them.  He came from out back, so we are going to put it in the woods far enough away from the house in hoping that George doesn't find it again.  Right now he is in the basement.  Not for time out but because something scared him really bad while he was outside and he wanted in his " safe place".  Chuck says the crying of baby bunnies can bring dogs and coyotes around.  Maybe that is why George wanted in the basement so badly.  Any ways....you just never know what the day is going to bring when you live in the woods.  It has it's perks but it also can tug on your heart strings.

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