Thursday, February 13, 2014

Thank You Mother Nature!!!

Brambly Pines is alive with snow falling!

The front path to the garden

Our winter garden 

looking up at the lights over the deck

Got my sled out 

Mother Nature filled the weed bucket!

Along the front of the land by the road.  
My Mama taught me how important " thank yous" are so ..."Thank You Mother Nature" for making Brambly Pines a winter wonderland.  I don't think there is anything any more beautiful than snow.  It started coming down fast, late yesterday afternoon in huge flakes.  I don't think I've ever seen it come down like that before. I felt like we were in a snow globe.  We kept going from window to window of the house watching it until it got to dark to see outside.  Then, we would turn the outside lights on to watch it.  I couldn't wait to get out of bed this morning to see how much was out there.  The trees were covered along with everything else.  When we measured, we had gotten a little over 5 1/2 inches.   How lucky we are to live where this happens every once in awhile.  You have to enjoy it fast because the next day it's all gone.  It has already started to disappear out of the trees.  Spring can come now.  I've had my winter that I wished for.  If Mother Nature wants to repeat herself again, I wouldn't be disappointed though.  Next winter is a long time off to have to wait for the chance of it happening again.  Mean time, I have three more seasons to enjoy.

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