Monday, February 17, 2014

Downed Trees!

The snow sure was pretty and fun to play in but we also had a lot of damage in downed trees and huge broken limbs.  The one that fell in the back yard, bent our big bird feeder and the hanger it was on.  A tree fell on the other side of the grill house and broke the metal bird bath.  It also bent one of the Bradford Pear trees to the ground.  Then, half of a pine tree fell on the fence in the corner of the front yard and knocked it down.  There was a tree down at the end of the drive way and a couple of ceder trees split down by the garden.  Yesterday was a beautiful day ....sunny and warm.  It was a good " clean up day".  Chuck dug out the chain saw and I grabbed my little hand cart.  By the end of the afternoon we had the yard pretty much cleaned up and the fence back up.  It was the kind of day where you thought Spring was actually here and your mind raced with all the things you wanted to do.  ....but I know better.  Even though it's going to get up to the middle 70's this week, that does not mean Spring is here.  Soon though....soon!!

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