Sunday, February 9, 2014

Christmas CACTUS!!!

Three years ago, I bought three small Christmas cactus plants and planted them together in one pot.  I did the same thing the next year.  This last year, I only bought one.  All three kinds were different colors.  Well, I got tired of having all these pots of cactus sitting around in the sun room during the winter, so I bought a HUGE pot and planted them all together.  Now I have one BIG FAT cactus!!!  It's going to be very impressive come Thanksgiving/Christmas this coming year and it's all blooming, different colors.  I think it's even impressive now, with out it blooming.  Come Spring, it will have a home on one of the porches for awhile.  They say, it being outside for awhile is what makes it bloom come the end of the year.  Not sure, but mine always blooms.

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