Monday, November 4, 2013

Four Men and a Lady

Fast moving water

The Dam

My new best fishing friends

Beautiful colors

Paddling down the river

Old bridge
Chuck eating his lunch on the bridge

Charlie and his camera ( of course)

Parked for lunch

Found some lunch

Pretty Fall colors

Loading up at the end
Let me tell ya the story of our last kayaking adventure.  It was me and four guys.  I liked being the " Queen of the River"...ha.  Well, we met up with everyone along the way to the Elk River in Tennessee.  Jim, took his SUV to the "take out" point and the rest of us went on to where we were going to "put in".  It was at the Tim's Ford Dam.  The guys unload all of the kayaks and got ready to drive all of the SUV/trucks to the take out point  so Jim could bring them back.   With a gun in the cubbie of Chuck's kayak, I was left to keep an eye on the kayaks.  There happened to be a couple of guys sitting on the bank of the river, fishing.  Also there was a guy on the walls of the dam, shooting at buzzards that were flying over something dead.  Could have been a scary scene but I got talking to the guys that were fishing.  They were just two " good ole redneck nice guys".  Told me their whole life story.  When we first pulled up to the river, the generators were turned on and it made the river move 100 mph.  I'm not kidding you!  We would have "flown" down the river in the kayaks.   I was looking forward to the fun of it.  By the time ( 45 minutes)the guys got back in Jim's SUV, the "dam people" had turned the river off.  They turn on the generators every two hours for a couple of hours.  I missed out on " flying down the river" but it was still a fun float/paddle trip.  The high light of the trip was that we saw a "bob cat", just walking along an edge of a canyon.  Once it discovered that we were there, it took off and climbed out of the canyon.  I was so tickled that I got to see one in the wild.  I had only seen them in the zoo.  Of course my camera was locked away in the cubbie of my kayak but it wouldn't have shown up in a picture any ways.  It was well camouflaged with the woods and it's spots.  We had a hard time finding a place to pull over for lunch since the river was down about two feet from them turning the generators on and off.  We finally did find a place that all five kayaks would fit and we could get out to walk around.  There was this old bridge that led to a corn field that had just been cut.  After getting refueled we got back in the kayaks and finished off the trip.  Almost ten miles.  Another fun kayaking trip under our belts.  Until next time the guys want to go again.  I'll be ready!

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