Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Other Half of Hurricane Creek

nope...this isn't George!

Chuck on the dry dam

Is the " butt" going to fit?

sure was dark in there!

what a fun tunnel!

Brother and Sister

time for a rest

Fred and Elaine were baaaaack!  It's been awhile.  The last time they were here was just before my surgery.  Now, that's a long time for Fred and Elaine not to come up.  We missed them.  The first day they were here, we went back to Hurricane Creek since we had only hiked half of it the last time they were here.  At the starting point, I spotted this yellow, George kitty.  Didn't take me to long to get it to come to me.  ( just call me the kitty whisper)  There was a tunnel and a " fat man squeeze"  to explore that we hadn't seen before.  It was a fun first day of exploring with Fred and Elaine.  We just never know what we're going to end up doing on their visits.

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