Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Halloween Quilt

the computer doesn't seem to like this pic turned the right way

Yesterday we drove out to the country quilt shop to pick up my Halloween quilt that Marilyn had quilted on the long arm for me.  When we got there, she had a surprise for me.  She had both of my quilts that I took to her, done. I was so excited to see my Halloween quilt.  It turned out awesome!  She said she could have sold it at least ten times while it was on the frame being quilted.  That tickled me.  Not that I would EVER sell it.  Just too much work has been put into it.  I hand stitched all of the embroidery scenes on it, while I was down and out from my surgery this summer. For the binding, I sewed strips of the different kinds of fabric I had used in the center, together.  It brings out the different colors of the quilt.    The quilting pattern that I picked turned out great.  All of the stitching makes up little Halloween designs.  You can't really see them on the front of the quilt but you certainly can on the back.  To date, this is my favorite quilt that I have made so far.  I'm sure I will change my mind, once I get all the others done.  Now, to bind my " red/white/cream block exchange" quilt next.

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