Monday, August 5, 2013

Summer Yard

Prince George watches over the yard

Big butterfly bush

We have had a wonderful summer this year.  Lots of rain and some days where you thought it was Fall not Summer.  We had a few really hot days but then it would rain and we would be back in the 80's for the high of the day.It was even down to 60 degrees a couple of nights.   We have been able to really enjoy our porches and yard this summer.  I know in a blink of an eye, the leaves will be turning and the plants will be dying back.  At first you dread everything dying back but then the colors of Fall appear and it's another beautiful season.  After getting everything into the green house, it makes life a lot easier for a few months.  You just turn the hose on everything in the green house every few days and don't worry about the yard or garden.  Every season has it's good points.  I'm so lucky to be able to enjoy them all.

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