Sunday, July 14, 2013

Wonderful Produce!!!!

It's a Vegetarian dream.....having all this pretty produce to chose from.  It's all so prefect.  It could be in pictures of a magazine.  You want to just take some of everything home with you. even if you aren't a Vegetarian.  We bought some Peaches and Cream corn.  Everyone was raving about it and I just had to try it.  Also bought some beautiful tomatoes.  On the way down to Montgomery, we had stopped at Durbins ( the best produce place in Alabama for peaches) and bought a watermelon and a large basket of peaches, along with a huge cantaloupe that Gene had requested when we called to see if they wanted anything.  We came home loaded with wonderful produce.  With all of our garden pickings and this produce,  our kitchen looks like we could open our own produce stand....ha.  Now I have to get busy and can my peach pie filling and figure out how I want to use up all the rest of great veggies and fruit.  Summer is the greatest!!!!!

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