Saturday, April 6, 2013

Changing of the Closet

It makes a BIG mess

Twice a year, it's a job that takes a full morning but it's actually kinda fun.  It's like getting all new clothes because you forget what Summer or Winter clothes you have after being packed away for a season.  The real job is, dragging up the big tubs that I keep the off season clothes in, from the basement.  Then, when I'm through, they have to go back downstairs.  It seems like it took forever for Spring to finally get here.  In fact, the day that I changed the closet, the high was only 49 degrees.  I left a couple of sweaters out, to wear with my summer clothes.  It is warming up but it's always cool at night during Spring.  I feel like I'm walking into a whole new closet and can't wait to wear all my new clothes.  :-)  

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