Friday, January 25, 2013

Happy Birthday Chuck!

Shell and her Daddy 

A warm fleece shirt from Shell!
Well, it was one of our "22nd Birthdays"...Chuck's!  (that means it was my 1/2 birthday)  Shell came home for the long weekend before her Daddy's birthday to celebrate. It's sure is nice to have Shell only two hours from us now.  That was never in all my day dreams of moving to Alabama.  Ya just never know what is going to happen in your life.   Ryan called and talked to Chuck on his lunch hour on his actual birthday. He told Chuck that there were two packages on their way but will just be a little late.  I think it's fun getting things late for your birthday.  It just stretches out the fun of your birthday. When the mail came, there were a couple of cards and an envelope  full of panorama pictures of the inside of the barn from when George and Christina were here in September. ( before all of Shell's stuff was there) George had taken tons of pictures of the barn and then taped them all together to get the full sense of the size of the barn and what was in it.  Chuck had a smile on his face, the whole time he was looking at all of the pictures.    Chuck and I went out to dinner at our local steak house that night.  Not only was the food good but we used the gift card that we received for Christmas from our friends.  All in all, Chuck had one of the nicest birthdays since we moved.

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