Monday, December 3, 2012

Our Thanksgiving

Kitchen chalk board, Shell did.

Chuck carving Mr. Turkey

Lady of Lawrence County, Lady Melanie and Lord Charles
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  The table was set with the Thanksgiving dishes, along with the "Peterson silverware".  There were flowers and monogrammed place tags.  The wine was chilled in the silver wine holder and classical music playing in the back ground.  You would have thought we were in some fancy restaurant...ha.  Not only did we have the pleasure of having Shell here for Thanksgiving as always, but Lady Melanie drove up from Birmingham that morning to join us for the day. It just made it so special!  After our wonderful noon meal(which Shell cooked) of turkey, oyster dressing, green bean casserole, mash potatoes and cranberry jello salad, Lady Melanie, Shell and I went out to Roden's for our traditional Thanksgiving Day shopping.  When we came home, we had our pumpkin pie around the kitchen table before Lady Melanie had to return to Carmichael Hall.  Our family has so much to be thankful for.  I try and stop and think about it more than just on one day of the year.  It's easy for me since we moved.  I just have to stop and look around me and it all comes to my mind.   

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