Friday, September 7, 2012

Antique Map

Here's one of my Thrift Store stories.  There have been many but this is the most recent one.  We have this fantastic huge Thrift Store in town.  It used to be a department store...that's how big it is.  The prices are dirt cheap and when you get to the cash register, most of the stuff is either 30%, 50% or 70% off on top of the cheap price it's marked.  Well, this week when we went to town for groceries, I had Chuck stop at the Thrift store to see if they had any cheap glass ware to make bird feeders out of.  As I was looking, I came across a framed map of Alabama.  It looked old and I knew it had been custom framed.  Right there, that means big bucks.  I showed it to Chuck and he liked it.  The price was a little steep for normal prices for this store.  It was $12.95!  You hardly ever see anything with that high of a price.  When it was time to check out, Chuck was still carrying the map around.  He decided we should get it.  It was missing Cullman county on it. Cullman was the second to last county to be added in Alabama.   When we got home, Chuck took it apart to see if there was anything written on the back of the map.  There wasn't but it did have a number in the corner on the front.  He looked it up on the Internet and found that this map was from 1865!!!  It came from a book of maps and the number in the corner, was the page number of the book.  He found two of them on line and they were going for $150 and $175!!!   He also found out that the framing store in Birmingham was in business in 1908. I guess we spent our $12.95 well!

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