Friday, August 17, 2012

Rose Hedge

When the electric company came and bush hogged the area between our post to the gate and the first power pole, it looked really ugly.  As Chuck was bush hogging the ditch the other day, an idea popped into my head, that a hedge of knock out roses would look nice in that space.  There is a man in town ( Moulton) that sells the knock out roses.  That's where we bought the one for the mail box a couple of years ago.  So, this morning, we took off to run some errands and to stop to see the "rose man".  We bought five bushes and he told us how to even start more rose bushes.  I just might try it come February.  That's when he told us to cut back the bushes and to stick the cuttings in the ground in the shade.  When we got home, Chuck took the tractor down to the mail box and leveled the area where we wanted to plant the roses.  Then we started digging.  Actually it wasn't to hard to plant them because of the rain we had.  It sure looked nice once we got it all done.  If I ever won the lotto, or some one gave me a "zillion dollars", I would plant knock out roses all the length of our land.  Wouldn't that look like something you would see at Disney!!! 

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