Tuesday, August 28, 2012

New Studio Desk

One day, I got tired of all the clutter of plastic carts all around my table in the studio.  I had seen on Pinterest...my source of magazines without having to buy magazines, where someone had made a desk by using two $15 book cases from Walmart.  I knew that was what I needed to get rid of the clutter.  So, off to town Chuck and I went to look for the book cases.  We also stopped at Home Depot and found a piece of laminated wood that would work for the top.  A couple of hours of putting the book cases together, cutting the laminated wood, along with some wooden rope trim, which I painted, Chuck put my new desk together.   Out went all the plastic carts and the book cases got filled up.  I haven't decided yet if I want a piece of glass to go over the top of it.  Right now, I'm just loving having such a great desk. 

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