Sunday, August 12, 2012

New Old Furniture

Soon to be painted white!

Right size book case
I always come up with different ideas for the house.  I'm not sure if that is a god thing or not, but it sure is fun.  When we moved into the new house, I thought I did a pretty good job of getting all of our furniture from the Florida house, to fit in the new house.   We have only had to buy a few new pieces.  We have collected a lot more books and old movies than we ever had so I came up with the idea of looking for a bigger book case for the living room and that way we could put the smaller one in Chuck's room.  I didn't want a new tall, modern book case because it was going to be next to the TV armiore. 
    When I was invited to a Tea Party at Lady Melanie's daughter's new house, I had seen where she had painted a large hutch and put it in her sun room.  I loved it!!  I instantly wanted one on our back porch!  I've been looking for an old hutch to paint ever since.  I was hoping I would find both items at the Longest Yard Sale.  I did find a really old hutch, but Chuck would have had to do a lot of repair work on it and the guy wanted way too much money for it.  I just knew I would find at least a book case and was hoping for a hutch at the Estate Sale we went to a week ago, but only found books and mayonnaise jars.  I was really disappointed but decided to check out our local favorite junk place.  I had seen the perfect little hutch in there about three months ago but the price was not what I was willing to pay.  That little hutch stuck in my mind and that was what I was looking for in all the places we looked.  We stopped at the junk store on the way home from Walmart the other day and I took off to the back room where they have furniture.  There is was !  The little hutch that I wanted!  On sale!!  I even got Mike to come down some more on the price.  It was going home with us! We were in the explorer so Chuck said he would run home and get the truck, for me to stay there.   Well, I'm not sure if that was a mistake in Chuck's eyes...ha!  I was left there to look through the whole store twice.  I found it!  The book case. It was perfect!  I even got Mike to come down in the price of that too.  It got loaded into the truck also.  Now, I can stop looking for both pieces.  I can't say I'm through looking for furniture because I will always come up with new ideas, like replacing the four wrought iron chairs to the table on the back porch, but that will be awhile.  Now, all I have to do is paint the perfect little hutch, "white".

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