Saturday, August 25, 2012

Chicken Update

I have learned that chickens are all different, just like every cat has a different personality.  This new batch of girls are not the same as the last.  They are sweeter and funnier.  The last girls would peck at each other and pull their feathers out.  Not these girls.  They want to be together.  Either if it's laying in a hole in their yard or sitting in a corner of their house.  The ones that are laying, always lay their eggs in the same nest box.  When I go down there, they all come running.  Of course they think I'm bringing them a treat of watermelon, grapes or something good.  When I go inside their yard or house, they all peak at the holes in my Croc's.  One day, I had on my pink poke a dot boots and they were all pecking at the dots on my boots.  They are to funny!  I've learned not to wear flip flops or sandals around them. Ha!  I can now pet and pick most of them up.  A couple of the reds still don't like it.  I'll keep working on it though. We are up to getting four eggs, some days.  They are all brown eggs.  Some lighter than others, which are coming from the white and buff colored girls.  At first, they were tiny little, cute eggs but they are almost up to large egg size now.  It's nice to have the activity behind the barn again.  It was just to quiet without the girls. 

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