Monday, July 23, 2012

To the Dump!

We have talked about going to the dump for over two years now.  You know how that goes.  You end up just "talking" about it.  Well, the BNOE called me one day last week and asked if she got her FIL's cattle trailer, if we wanted to take Chuck's truck and go to the dump with her.  The answer was " YES"!!  Thursday morning, her and Chuck went over and picked up the trailer and brought it to her house.  They cleaned out her garage, the garden shed and behind the shed.  Next, they brought the trailer over to our barn and we cleaned this really junky area behind the barn that I've been wanting to clean up forever!!  You know, one of those areas where you just keep piling junk on top of more junk!  Chuck was able to put a few of the broken pallets from the sod in the back of the truck.  It will take a few more trips to the dump to finish cleaning up around the barn, but this did help.   I didn't go with Chuck and Charlotte.  I knew it was going to be at least a two hour trip since the dump is about 40 minutes away.  Well, two hours passed into three hours and even later.  I was starting to get worried.  Come to find out, Charlotte's GPS had them go down this dirt country road in the middle of a corn field and it said for them to turn "left" the middle of the corn field!!  They got a kick out of that one.  So, Chuck dug out the tried and true paper map and found their way to the dump.  It ended up being a whole day deal, but it sure is nice to have that junk gone and now Chuck knows where the dump is. 

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