Tuesday, July 31, 2012

No Boys Allowed!!



Loving the Woods

I knew this day would come, to where I would have to separate the boys from the girls.  All it took was for one girl to start laying her eggs.  The boys were after all the girls.  I had to decide what I was going to do with the boys and I came up with turning them out to be free ranging chickens.  I was worried about dogs and coyotes getting them, but Chuck assured me that they can fly high enough to get on top of the mansion and in the trees.  We used a cement bird bath ( the base was broken) to put water in for the boys.  We had an extra little feeder for food for them and Chuck nailed a long board across two of the trees behind the mansion for them to roost on.  When we first set them free, they acted like that wanted back in the fenced yard.  Well, that was because the girls were out there.  Once I put the girls in the house for the night, the boys had no desire to be in that fence again.  They love being free to run where they want.  They really don't go far.  They go into the woods right there around the mansion.   I know their life span will probably be a lot shorter than if they were locked up in the hen house, but it's better than us taking them to the Amish Bakery where they eat their chickens.  So far, every morning when I go out to feed George kitty, I have heard " cock-a-doodle doo" and I know they have made it through another night of being free. 

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