Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Happy Birthday George!

George turns 63
Lanier telling me he's "four" but George is 75..ha.

Becca and her two boys.


Davis and Chuck
We went down to Gene and George's on Friday to go to the "Johnson Family Reunion" that was going to take place on Saturday.  We hadn't been down there since last November.  You would think we still lived eight hours from them.  Becca, Ro, Lanier and Davis all came to spend the night, on their way to the "Beach" for a weeks vacation.  We all celebrated George's birthday since it was going to be on Saturday.  Becca was going to miss this years family reunion.  Lanier was four years old in June and he told Gene and George that they were both "75" years old...ha.  When I asked him how old I was, he said "25"!  What a sweet boy!  Davis turned one in May.  It's so hard to believe that Becca has been married for six years and has two little boys. 

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