Monday, July 23, 2012

Grant Alabama

Pretty view with the mountains

Bell Tower

Hey! there is a gym in there!

On our way home from the caverns, we went through a pretty little town and decided to stop to look at the view of the mountains and valley.  Across the street was an old school made of stones and another impressive log building.  We had never seen a log building made with the logs going vertical.
As we were getting out of the explorer and started to walk on the sidewalk by the school, a giant branch fell from a tree and hit the wires going to the school building.  Scared the " you know what" out of us.  It wasn't raining or even windy.  The limb just decided it had enough being part of the tree, I guess.  Of course we all had to look in the windows of the big log building to see what was in there and it turned out to be a gym with a stage in the back of it.  The stone bell tower by the school used to be a water tower back in the day.  It was a fun stop before heading for home. 

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