Thursday, July 5, 2012

Garden going strong

Moon and Stars Watermelon

Spag. squash


We have two big bowls of cherry tomatoes

How about THAT for a cucumber!
We FINALLY got some rain last night and this afternoon!  It woke everything up in the garden.  I've been trying to keep things watered but it's just not the same as rain.  I went down and pulled some weeds since the ground isn't hard as cement now.  I tried to pull up a carrot the other day and the top just broke off and the carrot stayed in the ground.  Now that it has rained, I might try one again.  My Asian cucumbers are growing every day.  I read where they can get to be a yard long.  I think one of mine is about there.  This is the first year where I've had watermelon get big enough to eat.  I planted them inside the fence this time.   I counted 13 watermelons, 8 honey dews and 6 cantaloupes minus the ones that I've already picked. I have one regular watermelon and one "moon and stars".   I'm hoping the other watermelons still grow big.  I'm not sure if they will be ripe by the time Shell and Genavive come up next week.  Might have to go to the farmer's market and buy one.   I am going to go to the farmer's market tomorrow to buy a basket of okra.  I want to pickle a few jars and I don't have enough.  I should have planted two rows of okra like I did last year.  Each year, you learn and do differently from the year before. 

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