Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Treasures from the garden

My pretty tomatoes!

another bowl

This years garden is doing wonderful!  I think it's the best one so far out of the three that we have had.  I have so many tomatoes that I need to start thinking of what I want to do with them.  I'm going to try sun drying some of them, only will do it in the oven.  I can't even count all of the melons that are getting ready to be picked.  I have counted at least 20 of them.  There are cantaloupe, honey dew and watermelon.  There are also a lot of spaghetti squash.   I have had a lot of work keeping it all watered though.  We haven't had rain in almost a month and it's dry, dry, dry!  The red clay is like cement.  I don't know how anything ever grows in it when it gets this way.  I have to go down to the garden and water every day...but it's worth it. 

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