Thursday, June 21, 2012

Surprise #3

Genavive with her sweet surprised smile
Next surprise!!!! To be at Melissa and Billy's to surprise Genavive when she got home from school. ...and it worked! When Genavive called me on Mother's Day, I asked her all kinds of questions about school, so I could find out what time she usually got home from school and where she would be.  It worked.  She gets home between 3:00 and 3:15 and Billy picks her up.  So, I left Christina and George's at 3:00.  When I knocked on the door, Billy answered and there again the look on his face was great!  His eyes got big and he smiled.  I put my finger over my mouth again and he called Genavive to the door, then he stepped aside.  When Genavive saw me, she instantly started crying and gave me the biggest hug.  She wouldn't let go of me.  Brought tears to my eyes.  When I could finally get her to let go, so we could go in the house,  I had planned on spending an hour or so with her because I knew she went to church on Wednesdays night.  Billy asked if she wanted to stay home from church that night and spend the time with me.  Of course everyone knows the answer to that!  I still had one more surprise that day...Ryan and his family.  I had made Shell promise not to put anything up on Face Book that I had surprised her for her birthday or all my other surprises would have been ruined.  Genavive and I had a little time to kill before we went to surprise her Daddy, so we went shopping.  After an hour of shopping, we drove by Ryan's work and his truck was still in the parking lot.  I decided to kill a little more time and we drove down our old street to see if any of the neighbors were out.  Nope...too darn hot to be outside.  I thought it might be sad for me to drive by our old house but it really wasn't.  I didn't have any emotions at all.  It was like looking at just a house that I had never lived in.  I guess because I would never want to live there again so it didn't phase me at all.  It was finally time to go surprise Ryan! 

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