Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Pier

St Pete Skyline from the Pier

The last look at the Pier

Playing tourist at the Pier

Dinner on Beach Drive

I spent the next two days and nights with Christina and George.  I know I always have a bed there to sleep in. It's "home".   It's funny because it's the bed that I used to sleep in when I was a kid and would spend the night with Marina.  Well, it's probably not the "same bed" but it's in the same place.  It's really weird and sad for me though because Marina should be there with me and I should be having to be on the look out for Rainer sneaking in and hiding under the corner bed box to pull our hair and scare us.  It was just a few years ago that happened, right?  So many memories at the Blomberg's.   The first day that I was there, we spent the time talking and remembering so many things. At breakfast on their pretty deck, I even spilled the beans about some of the things that Marina and I did as kids and Christina never knew.  ha.  We weren't bad kids.  It was just those kinds of things that kids did to have fun back then.  Kids these days wouldn't even think of doing things outside like we did.  They're too busy in front of the TV or computer. 
   We watched the DVD of Marina's wedding.  I thought it was going to be sad to sit and watch Marina, my Mom and my kids so little, but it was actually funny.  Marina did have a funny wedding.  We all went to bed with a happy heart that night. The next day, we enjoyed some more memories and a cool swim in the pool before heading to down town St. Pete.  Christina wanted me to see "The Pier" for one last time.  They are going to tear it down soon.  It doesn't upset me because I really never liked the upside down pyramid they replaced the old Pier with any ways.  I've heard that they are going to put something even worse up in it's place though.  I was never for these modern looking buildings or pieces of so called art.  Any ways... George drove Christina and I down town and we played tourist.  We went inside the Pier and looked around at the shops.  Christina bought me a beautiful candle with sea shells on it for my birthday. ( this way she doesn't have to mail it)  Then, George insisted that we each put a penny in the machine to smush it with the Pier logo on it.  I told ya, we played tourist but it was fun and now I have a Pier penny for my scrap book.  We watched a sail boat race, that Rainer was in but we couldn't figure out what boat was his.  I had to take pictures of the pelicans.  They're still stinky from the fish everyone feeds them but it's neat being able to get so close to them.  Next we drove over to see the Salvidor Dali Museum. Not my cup of tea! I'll tell all about that next. Oh yeah!, we had a really nice dinner on Beach Drive that evening.  What a perfect way to end my time with Christina and George.

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