Thursday, June 21, 2012

Not home yet!

Famous Orange Rolls (on Pinterest)

Piano man, play me a song.

Ice sculpture

Outside fountain at The Club

Down town Birmingham
My last two days in Florida, I spent at my dear friend, Vickie's ( and Karl).  Remember, she was the one that came up and we trapes off to Kentucky to the Quilt Show with?  I spent my last night with her and we ended up going out to dinner at one of my favorite places in St. Pete.  Afterwards, we stayed up half the night sitting in her sewing studio, just talking. Where does the time go?   The next morning, Vickie had to go to work for a few hours so I had her drop me off at JoAnn Fabrics/ Home Goods.  I can kill three hours between those two stores, easy.  Elaine, happen to be coming to St. Pete for a High School reunion luncheon and came by to give me some a piece of early birthday  coconut cake from Wrights in Tampa!!!  Thank you very much SIL ( not my friend) because I ate five BIG bites of it and you know what happened to my blood but dang, it sure was good!!!You are always so sweet to me.  I sent the rest home with Shell when she met me for lunch at Panera's.  Afterwards, she dropped me off at Vickie's and we said our "good byes".  No tears this time because Shell is coming up in July.  Vickie came home ten minutes later and off to the airport we went.  Thank you! Thank you! Vickie!!! 
   Did I happen to tell ya how my plane was late leaving Birmingham coming down because of a power outage in the tower in Jacksonville?  I two hours late!!!  They had to close the air space in Northern Florida so all planes coming and going were at least that late, all day and night.  Well, going home, my flight was late leaving because of a storm off the coast of Jacksonville.  As Shell said, Jacksonville was a pain in my butt this trip...ha.  Lady Melanie was picking me up at the Birmingham airport and we were to go to a family dinner at " THE Club" at 6:30 pm.   I finally got there and then had to wait on my luggage FOREVER!  Melanie zoomed into the pick-up area and off we went to her house to hurry and change our clothes and to freshen up.   With Paw in the backseat, we made it on time.  THE Club...a beautiful club on the top of the mountain, overlooking all of down town Birmingham!  The food is wonderful! The service is wonderful! The view is spectacular!  The Johnson Family is the best anyone could ever want to be part of.  What a way to end the best trip to Florida...spending the night at Lady Melanie's.  Oh wait, my trip isn't over yet.

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