Monday, June 4, 2012

Garden Goodies

Pretty Cabbage

Fresh dug new potatoes
We are getting goodies from the garden already.  The most fun has been digging up the new red potatoes.  I have fixed them a couple of times for dinner and man! let me tell ya!  They are the best potatoes that we have eaten...ever!  Next year, we are going to plant double of what we did this year.  The cabbage that the BNOE gave me this Spring grew to be giant heads.  I did have to fight the worms though.  Even so, I ended up with two large heads.  All the veggies that we grow seem to have a lot more flavor than the ones you buy in the store.  Not only does it taste soooo good when you put the first bite into your mouth, but you sit there and think..." I grew this!"  There's nothing else like it.  

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