Thursday, June 28, 2012

Country Club Luncheon

Mary Kay Andrews

Our lunch

Some of our Book Club ladies

Mary Kay signing my book
I do seem to keep busy living up here.  There is always something going on around here that is fun.  Lydia ( our neighbor/librarian) called me a week or so ago and asked if I wanted to go to a luncheon at the Country Club where a famous NY Times best seller was going to be speaking and signing books.  I didn't know of the author but said I would go just for the fun of it.  A few of us from Book Club ended up attending so it was really fun having lunch with everyone.  Then, as the Author started talking I knew I was going to want to read her books.  She writes about the "South". Some of her books are, Summer Rental, The Fixer Upper, Hissy Fit, Savannah Breeze and the one I bought for her to sign, Spring Fever.  She lives outside of Atlanta but as she was talking about her life, she mentioned that she was born and raised in St. Petersburg, Florida!!  I know!!!!!  I couldn't believe it!  When she had finished speaking, I talked to her before she signed my book.  She went to Lakewood High School but left St. Pete when she got married 35 years ago.  She says she doesn't go back much but we did talk about how the beach has all grown up and all of the Mom and Pop motels are just about gone.  Not only was it a great afternoon, but a special one with having a famous NY Times Author come from St. Pete.  She signed my book " Barbara Jean, To a St. Pete Gal! Mary Kay Andrews.   I'm going on the hunt for her other books now.  Not only was her book really good, but she was a really fun person...from St. Pete no less. 

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