Thursday, June 21, 2012

Beach Day

yes, the legs of an old lady

Shouldn't every little girl be dressed like this at the beach!

yum, a mouth full of sand!

Tony and Shell at Sunset.

Sun screen, sun screen, sun screen!

Fla sea oats.
Saturday morning, after leaving Christina and George's, I went over to my friend Sandy's.  I was to stay there for the next two nights.  I have to say, Sandy has a WONDERFUL guest bed if anyone needs a good nights sleep. Also, a swimming pool and a computer that you can use to play catch up with the world.  Did I remember to take any pictures at Sandy's? Nope!  We did go junking at the Thrift store I loved when I lived down there and we stayed up half the night watching HGTV.  Since I live in the " sticks" as some people say and don't even have cable TV, it was a treat to watch all the shows I never get to see any more. 
  Sunday was the day that I was to spend  at the beach with Shell, Tony and Kendra and her family.  Shell has been spending Memorial Day weekend at the same Mom and Pop motel right on the beach for several years now with Kendra's family.  It has become a tradition.  As much as the beach isn't my favorite place, it was a really fun day.  The company and the food was the best! and it was nice having the pool to swim in after being in the salt water, plus the motel room to go shower and change clothes in.  I can only stand to have that sand on me for so long.  Mom used to tell me, even when I was a baby, I would scream my head off when they would take me to the beach and put me down in the sand.  It sticks to ya, your towel, your seat, and everything else!  Then, you have a car full of it when ya get home.  Any ways, I really did have a great time that day.  I even stayed longer than I had planned but hey, who doesn't want to see a pretty sunset!  I have to say, Florida does have some of the prettiest!

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