Monday, April 30, 2012

The Flock

The beginning of April, we noticed a couple of goldfinches at our Yankee Flinger feeder.  The next day, there were a couple more.  Then, five.  Then ten!  ...I know.  I was so excited.  The next day 15!!! and the next we counted 25!!  A whole flock of them were using the feeder.  They all stayed a couple of weeks and then they dwindled down to just a couple.  Chuck thinks it's because the thistle is blooming now and that is what they like to eat.  It sure was fun seeing all of them at the feeder. We usually feel lucky to see a couple all Spring and Summer.   I guess it's a good thing for the thistle because they were emptying the feeder just about every day. I never knew it would be so much fun, just watching the birds.

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