Friday, April 13, 2012

Baby Chicks Again

the tub of red pullets

the tub of white pullets

Suzannah, Sister, Scarlet, Shellby Lynn, Georgia Brown, Pollyanna,
Daisy May and Ginny Lynn

Welcome to Brambly Pines little peeps!  It was " chick days" at Tractor Supply while Shell and Genavive were here, so that means it was time to go pick out our new baby peeps.  They had tubs of red pullets, white pullets and then there were a tub of assorted with black on them.  We ended up getting three whites, three reds and two of the assorted black.  This way we have a good chance of getting at least six hens.  I am hoping all eight of them are hens, but I guess it will be a little while before we find this out.  Right now they are all living in the barn, in the wash tub with the heat lamp on.  In a couple more weeks, they will move into the mansion but won't be able to go out into the yard because they will fit through the wire of the fence.  Chuck has put burglar bars up ( it's really only heavy wire) over the windows to keep this group of "girls" safer.  Here's to hoping by July, we will be gathering eggs again, and yes... they are all named.

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