Sunday, March 18, 2012

Quilt Retreat

The front of the house

The back of the house that looks over the lake

The red bud trees are blooming everywhere

I had this area to myself. 

Smokey....wanting in
Last week I went to the Quilt Retreat that my Quilt Guild group goes to, twice a year. Once in the Spring and then again in the Fall.   It was at the Red Rooster Inn on beautiful Smith Lake about an hour from home.  I had been there a couple of times before, but it was just for a " spend the day".  This time I got to stay for three days and two nights.  It was so much fun!  The food was wonderful!!! and the best part was, I didn't have to cook it and when I was done eating, I just got up from the table and walked back to my sewing.  The dining room is three walls of glass windows where you look out over the lake.  We sewed from morning until night.  I did stop to take a few walks outside.  They had a very friendly smokey cat that wanted inside reallllllly bad.  He was so cute.  He got plenty of attention from all of us.  It's amazing on how much sewing you can do in three days of non stop.  On top of all the sewing, there were lots of talking and laughter with the sweetest ladies I know.  I sure hope I get to go again. 

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