Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Life Marches On.

Family Cut Glass Punch Bowl

Blue and white hen from Sandy
Chuck drove down to Florida for his Dad's 90th birthday and to help clean out his Dad's house.  Charlie is now living in an assisted living home and it's time to give his house up to the reverse mortgage company.  I know it is hard for Elaine and Chuck to go through a house full of  life time of memories and decide what to keep and what to let go.  After a week of going through each room and the shed out back, Chuck had a truck load to bring home.  The kids all went over and picked out things that they wanted for their memories of Nana and Papa.  While Chuck was at his Dad's house one afternoon, Sandy came by to give Chuck a box to bring home to me.  It was like Christmas all over again for me.  In Sandy's box was a pretty blue and white hen casserole dish, some bath soaps, a Halloween decoration and a "Sweet Home Alabama" movie.   The pretty blue/white hen looks so pretty in my cabinet.  I love her!  Chuck bought back a beautiful cut glass punch bowl that was his Mothers along with several matching cut glass pieces that matched it.  Shell helped Chuck go through things in the house and picked several things that she thought I might like.  There were lots of pieces of silverware that were black, but once I polished them, they turned out to be really pretty.  Shell sent home several table cloths and napkins, along with a tea cozy.  It was fun cleaning everything up and finding places for it all in our house.  It's sad that Charlie can't live in his house any longer, but knowing that he is being taken care of and that he likes living where he is now, I know it is a relief for Chuck and Elaine.  The house is one less thing they have to worry about also.  Life keeps marching on and it all goes so fast once you get to be our age.  It makes you stop and think about each day.  Don't waste a single one!

1 comment:

Shnitzy from Knitting Yarn Blog said...

Try googling "most awesome knitting blog in the whole wide world" you are on top! :)