Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Our Black Friday

Shell's pic of the heart in the tree

Putting rocks down in the water for stepping stones

Piggy back Mama!
Our annual tradition of Black Friday isn't spent like most people.  We pack up turkey sandwiches and head to the forest. The day is spent hiking for hours, looking for a pretty waterfall to eat our lunch by.  We try and take Shell to a new place in the forest, every year.  This year, it was new to us too.  After hiking for a while, we came to the waterfall that was suppose to be, but it was dry as a bone.  I usually wear my rubber boots when we hike so I don't have to worry about getting my shoes wet, but this time I thought I would try hiking in my tennis shoes.  They worked great, until it came time to cross the river.  Shell was smart and wore a pair of my boots.  Good thing!  Crossing the first part of the river was fine because Shell made a rock path through the shallow water.  BUT! the next part was too deep!  That's when she decided to " piggy back" Mama.  Let's say, Shell is strong and we all had a good laugh over it. Shell came across a unique tree with a small leave growing in the middle of it.  It sure made a really neat picture.  Even without pretty waterfalls, we still have a fun time in the forest!

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