Monday, December 12, 2011

Decorating for Christmas

Wreath that Shell made while she was here.
The Blomberg Christmas bowl and St. Nick goodies.

Bed room tree

Real cedar swag.

Other than finding a few more red cardinal birds to put on the vines in the dining room, I think I'm done decorating.  Good thing, because it will be time to take it all down before I know it.  I'm the one that takes it down the day after Christmas.  As I have said before, Paula Deen and I say it's bad luck if you don't have it all down before New Years.  Besides, by then it's been up for so long, I'm ready for my house to be clean and back to normal.  After all, the house has been decorated for the past four months, starting with Fall, Halloween and Thanksgiving.  The story about our Christmas tree is, I wanted a table top tree so we didn't have to move any of the furniture out of the living room.  That's always such a pain in the butt, plus finding a place to put it.  Soooooo, we set out to find a table top tree.  Well, the only two places we found them were Krogers and Home Depot.  They were $25 and they were only about two feet kidding! Waaaay to small!  So, we ended up buying a 6/7 ft tall tree for $30.  When we got it home, Chuck cut the bottom third of it off...yep now it was only about 4 ft tall ...BUT! I had all the left over branches that were cut off to decorate with.  I ended up covering both china cabinets with it and I made six arrangements that I shared with my dear friend Andrea.  I think we got our money's worth out of our tree this year, plus got the perfect size table top tree. :-)

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