Thursday, December 8, 2011

Another Good Bye

Telling her Daddy Good Bye.
Another Thanksgiving has come and gone. Another Holiday of memories with pictures to go with them.  Shell says it's not Thanksgiving unless she spends it in Alabama.  All of our Thanksgivings when the kids were little, were spent in Alabama at Gene and George's.  We would pick the kids up from school and head north for eight hours.  We would get there around midnight, with Gene and George always waiting up for us.  Oh! the fun memories we have from those days!  Our ways of making Thanksgiving memories have changed...from freezing our butts off in tents, then the no-electric or water in the TT, fixing our Thanksgiving dinner on the camp stove in the barn, to a nice heated house with a pretty dining room and a real stove to cook on.  I wouldn't give up any of those memories for anything.  We even have a couple of Thanksgiving traditions that we look forward too.  One is after putting all the food away from our Thanksgiving dinner, Shell and I jump in the explorer and go out to Roden's to shop.  We've been doing that since our days of camping out in the tents.  Then of course, the day after Thanksgiving is our hiking day in the forest.  I can see why it's not Thanksgiving for Shell unless she's in Alabama.  It wouldn't be Thanksgiving for us, without Shell here. 

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