Monday, November 7, 2011

Just Being George

George in his house.

George in my bedroom window box.
George kitty has the run of the land and he comes up with some pretty funny places to get.  I never know where I'm going to see him.  For a couple of days, his favorite place was to lay in the window box, outside my bedroom window.  Yesterday, I had gone over to the TT and had left the door open until the wind blew it shut just minutes after I had gone in.  As I was walking down the hall, I saw movement in the little bedroom and I jumped back for just a second until I saw it was just George.  He had come in and walked past me and I never even noticed.  When I was trying to get him back outside, he went into the living room and laid down on the carpet like that was his new " kitty house".   I know he would like to be an indoor/outdoor kitty but that can't happen with the other two in the house.  He does like his new kitty house that Chuck built him.  He gets in it all the time and especially when it's cold at night.  His house isn't finished yet.  It needs to be painted yellow and the green shingles put on the roof.  That's on the list of "things to be done around here". 

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